您可以使用 搜索字段后面的选项来缩小搜索范围。 在控制面板上创建自定义选项时,文本过滤器中提供了相同的选项。 您也可以使用所谓的通配符。

- article:1234 (article number is 1234)
- article:1234* (starting with 1234)
- article:*1234 (ending with 1234)
- article:*1234* (containing 1234)
- ID:1234567 (Searching for File ID)
- creator:"John Doe" (created by John Doe)
- tag:"Winter 2021" (tag is Winter 2021)*
- tag:!"Summer 2021" (no tag Summer 2021)*
- po:12345 (PO is 12345)
- barcode:12345 (barcode is 12345)
- batchcode:12345 (batch code is 12345)
- requirement:"EN 60335-2-33" (has requirement EN 60335-2-3)
- fulfilled:"EN 60335-2-33" (has EN 60335-2-33 fulfilled)
- unfulfilled:"EN 60335-2-33" (has EN 60335-2-33 unfulfilled)
- notapplicable:"EN 60335-2-33" (has EN 60335-2-33 not applicable)
Note that the requirement search includes partial matches (i.e. EN 60335-2-33 matches with EN 60335-2-33:2013 and EN 60335-2-33:2016
Examples below

Showing only files with an article number ending with „6“ - FIND article:*6

Showing only files with the tag „UK“ - FIND tag:“UK“

Text filters inside a custom tab